
This is your legacy.

If you are all about the documentary, organic & real moments, if you want to bottle them up and keep them safe as your memory fades – then read a little further.

This is an investment you will cherish for decades to come. Photos that stand the test of time.

Heirlooms of your days.

Photography for the wild ones, the free hearts & the spirited souls. The ones who’s love is fierce and touch is gentle. Photo’s that make you feel, time and time again. For the lovers, the dreamers & the believers. For timeless magic is at your fingertips.

Please fill out our contact page to receive a copy of our 2022 pricing and welcome guide.

Both digital and print packages available. Digital packages start at $550. Print packages start at $1150. All pricing includes GST.

Contact Meg


Golden Hour


Story Teller

Both digital & print packages available.